Annotated bibliography on Wagner's Parsifal
Parsifal – Richard Wagner
[Content available in german only]

Johannes Bosch

Evocation of Kundry, Henri Fantin-Latour - Artvee
For most of the Balthasar Neumann ensembles’ projects, our dramaturgy department compiles annotated literature research on the composer, work and historical context, which is then made available in printed or digital form to our conductor and musicians in preparation for the project.
Unfortunately, for copyright reasons we cannot publish the texts on Parsifal here, but we can of course publish our extensive literature list.
For many texts there are short abstracts in English or German. The titles are arranged according to different topics:
1. general introduction, overviews
2. performance practice
3. analyses, interpretation of work and character
4. music and scene, dramaturgy
5. work in context
6. reception
7. textual sources, history of the material, genesis of the work
8. religion, the Grail as a central motif
9. space and time
10. Personal opinions, points of view, etc
Autres ressources associées
Contenu lié
Collection of quotations on Wagner’s performance practice
Parsifal Historical instruments
Retrouver les ressources associées à cette œuvre dans notre bibliothèque numérique.
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