Biber / Telemann / Vivaldi / Purcell

Concerts at the Musikverein Wien 19/20

Concentus Musicus Wien

Program Note


Sonata in C « Sonatae tam aris quam aulis » C 114, Sonata I a otto – Heinrich Ignaz Franz Biber
Battalia à 10 – Heinrich Ignaz Franz Biber
Overture in D major TWV 55:D1 – Georg Philipp Telemann
Concerto in F major « L’Autunno » RV 293- Antonio Vivaldi
Orchestral Suite from Opera « King Arthur » Z 628 – Henry Purcell

Konzertmeister & Solist

Thomas Fheodoroft, violin


Concentus Musicus Wien


Stefan Gottfried

The Concentus Musicus Wien at the Musikverein in Vienna on February 14, 2020, conducted by Stefan Gottfried – also on harpsichord and organ – performed Purcell’s « King Arthur » as well as Biber’s « 12 Sonatas. » Thomas Fheodoroff played the violin for Bach’s « Violin Concerto.

Performance practice

Heinrich Ignaz Franz Biber: Sonata in C "Sonatae tam aris quam aulis" C 114, Sonata I a otto

2 tpt, 2 vln, 3 vla, cb, bc

Number of musicians

Str ( 2 ob/rec bsn 2 tpt hpd/org

Heinrich Ignaz Franz Biber: Battalia à 10

3 vln, 4 vla, 2 cb, bc

Number of musicians

Str ( hpd/org

Georg Philipp Telemann: Overture in D major TWV 55:D1

tpt, ob, strings, bc

Number of musicians

Str ( 2 ob/rec bsn 2 tpt hpd/org

Antonio Vivaldi: Concerto in F major "L'Autunno" RV 293

solo vln, strings, bc

Number of musicians

Solo vln Str ( hpd/org

Henry Purcell: Orchestral Suite from Opera "King Arthur" Z 628

strings, bc

Number of musicians

Str ( hpd/org


415 Hz



Musikverein Wien | Großer Saal – 12.2-14.2.2020


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