Agostino Steffani

Niobe, Regina di Tebe

Dramma per musica en trois actes

[Contenu en allemand]




Agostino Steffani
Niobe, Regina di Tebe


Maria Bengtsson – Niobe
Jacek Laszczkowski – Anfione
Ana Maria Labin – Manto
Peter Kennel – Creonte
Lothar Odinius – Tiberino
Pascal Bertin -Clearte
Delphine Galou – Nerea
Tobias Scharfenberger – Tiresia
Matjaz Robavs – Poliferno




Thomas Hengelbrock


Lukas Hemleb

What attractive power a rediscovered Venetian opera of late 17th century can have on a nowadays audience could easily be felt at the Schwetzinger Festspiele when Legrenzi’s “Il Giustino” was celebrated enthousiastically in 2007.
Now in 2008 Thomas Hengelbrock and his Balthasar-Neumann-Ensemble turn to the music of Agostino Steffani, who, like no other composer at that time, has brought forward the boom of Italian opera in Germany.

„Niobe, Regina di Tebe“ composed in 1688 is Steffani’s last opera for the court of Munich and at the same time his most important. Already the Libretto knows how to effectively draw attention to the incredible vehemence of Niobe’s tragedy. The story is about the Queen of Thebes. Cursed by the gods for her pride with the death of her children the pain of loss makes her turn into stone. Amphion, her husband,cannot take the grief and kills himself. Thus the town is freed from tyranny and regains freedom.

Just like in an intimate play this allows an exceptionally distinct character drawing

Although Steffani was deeply embedded in the music language of his native country, he developed an individual style of composing by picking up elements of the French style, which was perceivable also in an especially big and colourful instrumentation. Amphion for instance, mythical inventor of the lyre and of harmony, is thus introduced in his first scene with an instrumental effort, not heard in a long time in Italian opera.

This aria alludes to the harmony of spheres in Platon’s „Politeiea“ and Steffani strikingly succeeds in painting an evident picture of this harmony with all resources of musical art. The death scenes of Niobe and Amphion are marked by a hard realism: Every emotion between pain and desperation is expressed in the most sophisticated way. Not only the death of the two main characters on open stage has made Steffani’s opera one of the most extraordinary operas of the 17th century.

The work is confined on a rather small but equally weighted number of characters. Just like in an intimate play this allows an exceptionally distinct character drawing, which makes this opera fervently interesting for the modern opera stage.

Lukas Hemleb, with whom Thomas Hengelbrock and the Balthasar-Neumann-Ensemble already attained great success in Schwetzingen with Alessandro Scarlatti’s „Telemaco“ in 2005, will be again in charge of the production.

Before each performance in Schwetzingen the world premiere of Adriana Hölzsky’s A-Cappella composition „Hybris / Niobe“ will take place (Zirkelsaal). Performers are soloists and the SWR Vokalensemble Stuttgart under the direction of Denis Comtet.

Performance practice


Solo SSSAAATBarBar 2Rec, 2 Ob/Shawms, Fg / 4 Trp / Pk / Str / continuo

Number of musicians

Solo: 9;
Woodwinds/Brass: 9;
continuo: Vla da gamba, Cemb/Org, 2 Theorbo/Guitar, Harp;
percussion: 1 timpani


415 Hz

List with tempo suggestions

Role profiles

Document with all role profiles with details of vocal range, vocal characteristics, number of appearances and arias.

The cuts we made

Autres ressources associées

Contenu lié

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[Content available in german only]


Retrouver les ressources associées à cette œuvre dans notre bibliothèque numérique.

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