Concert sur instruments d’époque

Simon O’Neill – Parsifal
Angela Denoke – Kundry
Frank van Hove/ Kwangchul Youn – Gurnemanz
Matthias Goerne – Amfortas
Johannes Martin Kränzle – Klingsor
Victor von Halem – Titurel
Ensemble and orchestra
Balthasar-Neumann-Chor und Solisten
Thomas Hengelbrock
In the performance with original instruments and replicas, perhaps a whole new balance will emerge.
There is no doubt about it: Wagner’s « Parsifal » is a venture. In this last of his stage dramas, the composer created a work that makes extreme demands on singers and musicians as well.
In the Wagner Year 2013, Thomas Hengelbrock takes this risk – and rai-ses the stakes. Together with his Balthasar Neumann Ensemble, he will perform « Parsifal » in a concert version that seeks the closest possible proximity to the sound of the premiere on 26 July 1882 in Bayreuth. Original instruments from Wagner’s time and repli-cas will be used. They form the basis and tools of an interpretation that is based on an intensive examination of the conditions of the premiere and the performance history of the first 20 years.
Thomas Hengelbrock has sifted through contemporary score material and other sources and incorporates the latest musicological findings on Wagner performance practice in order to be very close to the original again. « In the performance with original instruments and replicas, perhaps a whole new balance will emerge; it will be exciting to discover how both the relationships within the orchestra itself – instruments and voice groups to each other – and the relationships of orchestra to singers and choir possibly change. »
It is no coincidence that Thomas Hengelbrock chose this opera in particular for his exploration of Wagner: « ‘Parsifal’ is not only to be considered in the con-text of Richard Wagner’s entire music-dramatic oeuvre, but also in the series of the great passions and oratorios of the 18th and 19th centuries: the St. Matthew Passion, Beethoven’s ‘Missa solemnis’, Liszt’s ‘Holy Elisabeth’ and the great funeral masses of the time. That is also why this work works wonderfully concertante, the music needs no illustration.“

Rogelio de Equsquiza - Wikimedia Commons
Such an adventure can only succeed if there is the closest contact and greatest familia-rity between conductor, orchestra and singers. In the Balthasar Neumann Choir and En-semble, the conductor knows that he has musicians at his side who have just this kind of trust in him – and the joy of discovery and playfulness that are indispensable for this undertaking.
A sextet of top-class vocal soloists completes the cast. Angela Denoke thrilled as Kun-dry at the Bavarian State Opera in 2011, the same year Simon O’Neill could be experi-enced as Parsifal in Bayreuth. Frank van Hove (Dortmund) and Kwangchul Youn (Es-sen) also have a wealth of experience in the role of Gurnemanz and celebrated great successes in Copenhagen and Bayreuth respectively as recently as 2012. The role de-buts of Matthias Goerne and Johannes Martin Kränzle in the lower registers arouse ten-se anticipation, while Victor van Halem has been convincing with his masterful Titurel for many years, not least on the 1981 Karajan recording.
The forum and stage for this extraordinary Wagner event are the Konzerthaus Dortmund and the Philharmonie Essen – two organisers who are on friendly terms with conductor and ensembles on the basis of a long-standing, successful collaboration. Thomas Hen-gelbrock is also a highly successful and now regular conductor at the Teatro Real in Ma-drid, where the production will conclude with three performances.
Performance practice
Parsifal WWV 111
Picc.,3Fl.,3.Ob.,Eng.Hn.,3Cl.,B.Cl.,3Bn.,Cbn., – 4Hn.,3Tpt.,3Tbn.,T – 2Hp., 2Timp.,3Perc. – Str.
Number of musicians
Orchestra 93, Choir 56, Children’s Choir 20, Soloist 19
438 Hz
20.01.2013 Dortmund, Konzerthaus
26.01.2013 Essen, Philharmonie
29.01.2013 Teatro Real, Madrid
31.01.2013 Teatro Real, Madrid
02.02.2013 Teatro Real, Madrid Madrid
Autres ressources associées
Contenu lié
Annotated bibliography on Wagner’s Parsifal
Collection of quotations on Wagner’s performance practice
Parsifal Historical instruments
Retrouver les ressources associées à cette œuvre dans notre bibliothèque numérique.
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